Shadow of photographer taking a landscape photograph. UK by Simon Holdcroft Photography upixa images

Detailed image information
Max Pixels: 3379(W) x 5050(H)
ROMPS (Recommended Output Max Print Size at 300dpi): 11.3 inches width x 16.8 inches high
28.6 centimetres width x 42.8 centimetres high
Filesize (original JPEG at highest available resolution): 8.31Mb
Image credit: Simon Holdcroft Photography
Geographic Location: UK
Short Caption (Description of Content) Shadow of photographer taking a landscape photograph.
Subject Matter abstract
Keywords 1, figure, person, shadow, silhouette, photographer, green, grass, taking, picture, photo, photographing, photography, hobby, passtime, interest
Price Grade: high quality
Model Release: N
Property Release: N
Available sizesPrice (level: high quality)ROMPS cmROMPS inches
3379W x 5050H (48.8Mb*)£124.64 (1369 ppp)28.6 x 42.811.3 x 16.8
2534W x 3788H (27.5Mb*)£102.96 (932 ppp)21.5 x 32.18.4 x 12.6
1901W x 2841H (15.5Mb*)£78.65 (687 ppp)16.1 x 24.16.3 x 9.5
1267W x 1894H (6.9Mb*)£46.95 (511 ppp)10.7 x 164.2 x 6.3
949W x 1419H (3.9Mb*)£29.96 (450 ppp)8 x 123.2 x 4.7
608W x 909H (1.6Mb*)£13.71 (403 ppp)5.1 x 7.72 x 3
456W x 682H (0.9Mb*)£8.00 (389 ppp)3.9 x 5.81.5 x 2.3
* approx RGB TIFF size when uncompressed