New Forest & Hampshire Country Show 2007. The Showground New Park. Brockhurst. Hampshire. by Michael Paler upixa images

Detailed image information
Max Pixels: 2199(W) x 2313(H)
ROMPS (Recommended Output Max Print Size at 300dpi): 7.3 inches width x 7.7 inches high
18.6 centimetres width x 19.6 centimetres high
Filesize (original JPEG at highest available resolution): 5.03Mb
Image credit: Michael Paler
Shoot date: 2007-07-25
Geographic Location: The Showground New Park. Brockhurst. Hampshire.
Short Caption (Description of Content) New Forest & Hampshire Country Show 2007.
Subject Matter agriculture
Keywords New Forest. Country Show. Brockhurst. Hampshire. Animals. NFH. Agriculture. Travel. Holidays. England. Livestock.
Price Grade: standard
Model Release: Y
Property Release: N
Available sizesPrice (level: standard)ROMPS cmROMPS inches
2199W x 2313H (14.6Mb*)£63.42 (802 ppp)18.6 x 19.67.3 x 7.7
1649W x 1735H (8.2Mb*)£44.31 (646 ppp)14 x 14.75.5 x 5.8
1237W x 1301H (4.6Mb*)£28.85 (558 ppp)10.5 x 114.1 x 4.3
825W x 867H (2Mb*)£14.45 (495 ppp)7 x 7.32.8 x 2.9
618W x 650H (1.1Mb*)£8.49 (473 ppp)5.2 x 5.52.1 x 2.2
* approx RGB TIFF size when uncompressed