Looking to-wards Kerrera West Coast of Scotland by Fergus Smith upixa images

Detailed image information
Max Pixels: 4500(W) x 2941(H)
ROMPS (Recommended Output Max Print Size at 300dpi): 15 inches width x 9.8 inches high
38.1 centimetres width x 24.9 centimetres high
Filesize (original JPEG at highest available resolution): 7.17Mb
Image credit: Fergus Smith
Geographic Location: West Coast of Scotland
Short Caption (Description of Content) Looking to-wards Kerrera
Subject Matter landscape
Keywords weather,Scottish Landscape, travel, people, families, holidays, sailing, Highlands of Scotland, Highlands and Islands, camping
Price Grade: premium
Model Release: N
Property Release: N
Available sizesPrice (level: premium)ROMPS cmROMPS inches
4500W x 2941H (37.9Mb*)£134.85 (981 ppp)38.1 x 24.915 x 9.8
3375W x 2206H (21.3Mb*)£107.73 (691 ppp)28.6 x 18.711.3 x 7.4
2531W x 1654H (12Mb*)£79.33 (528 ppp)21.4 x 148.4 x 5.5
1688W x 1103H (5.3Mb*)£45.28 (411 ppp)14.3 x 9.35.6 x 3.7
1265W x 826H (3Mb*)£28.23 (370 ppp)10.7 x 74.2 x 2.8
810W x 529H (1.2Mb*)£12.63 (339 ppp)6.9 x 4.52.7 x 1.8
* approx RGB TIFF size when uncompressed